Investment — Simple extra money if you are a programmer

Ahmad Adityo Anggoro
3 min readAug 21, 2021
Photo by Jievani Weerasinghe on Unsplash

Don’t worry, I don’t write money making lists like writing a blog, create youtube content, create saas apps, plugins, templates, or something like that. But if you want it, it’s fine even it’s really good.

🙏 Sorry in advance for my english

Why didn’t I make a list like that ?, because for myself to do like that is not simple. It takes days, energy, thoughts, deepening knowledge, it may even take money at the beginning. Especially you are a programmer who works in an office that is bound by working hours from morning to evening, even on rest days still thinking about work at the office. Then how do I get extra money in my busy time if I don’t do what I wrote earlier.

Doing additional side work after office hours ? No, that’s not what I meant, it will burnout syndrome you out for doing the same work as the office and it will torture you all night. You will be less rest, in the morning feel less energy, not concentrating, even your health will be disturbed.

So what does simple extra money look like ?, That is from Picoworkers to Crypto. Wait … instead of doing work at Picoworkers like doing additional work and the same takes time and Crypto also needs money at the beginning especially if mining definitely drains electricity costs.

I will discuss Picoworker first. Yes, it’s true that doing work at Picoworkers does take time and it could be additional work, but this is different. I’ll tell you the difference and I didn’t write fully how to work on Picoworkers, please explore it yourself.

No need to spend days to complete one job, just thirty minutes you can finish at least 2 to 5 jobs. The results of your work will be entered into the Pending Rating list for review by the job owner. If approved, You have earned temporary money at Picoworkers to collect as much as minimum $5, you can withdraw to your Paypal account.

How can I earn $5 without having to interrupt my office hours and rest time ?. I’ve been doing this for about three months myself and found a way that doesn’t burden my mind. I do this before work starts, after lunch before going back to work, and have finished the work when there is still time before the end of working hours. But it’s back to you according to your everyday, take a good time and make sure it’s not a burden.

In the first month, don’t take your target too much in one day to get the job done and collect $1 and imagine one month you can reach $30. You only do this a day at least ten times, it could be more if you are more enthusiastic, but keep an eye on your main job. Keep collecting until you get to about $12 because around $2 for the estimated withdrawal and deposit fees.

Why am I targeting around above $10 ?, because with that amount of money I continue to buy Crypto. In my country there is a Crypto buying and selling application, namely Tokocrypto where for now the minimum purchase is $10. I bought a crypto coin when it was under $1 and in one year it will be above $1. I keep repeating like this until I myself don’t realize when I check the current crypto price is already above $1.

My reason why should I buy crypto ?, when I look at the chart the price of one of the cryptos in 2019 is below $1. Then I saw that in 2020 it was already above $1. This means that for 2021 crypto coins that are still below $1 are likely to be above $1 next year, hopefully this will happen.

In this way, it is a very simple investment strategy. I only do a little energy at the beginning by doing it consistently and patiently, the rest is left to sleep and then enjoy it in the future.

Ok … final word from me. It is up to you whether you can agree with this method or not and investing in crypto actually has its own risks. Before starting, try to explore Picoworkers and Crypto, then you decide for yourself. If you agree, do this consistently, patiently, and not easily influenced.

🚀 Say to the moon

